Yarn: Rowan
4 Ply Soft (100% merino wool), color #376 Nippy - a little more than 3 balls (191yd [175m] / 50g)
Joey's Knitting House KALNeedles: Clover D 3.0 mm crochet hook
Size: 6 1/4" wide x 52" long (not including spiral fringe), fringe is about 2 3/4" long
Duration: 2007/12/25 - 2008/01/09
線材: Rowan
4 Ply Soft (100% 美麗諾), 色號#376 乳白 - 3 球多一點 (191yd [175m] / 50g)
Joey編織の屋 96/12群編會活動-圈起來的愛針號: 3.0 mm 鉤針
尺寸: 寬 16 cm, 長 132 cm (不包括捲捲流蘇), 流蘇約 7 cm
製作日期: 2007/12/25 - 2008/01/09
This is also one of the projects from Joey's December KAL. And I just love the spiral fringe! Thus although I have got tons of things going on, I still wanted to make time for this scarf. Big thanks to Joey for suggesting a 3.0mm or smaller crochet hook for this project. I chose Rowan 4 Ply Soft, a really fine and soft merino yarn, to go with the small hook. And I am very happy with the result. The scarf is comfortable around the neck, not too thick, not too stiff. I think the fine gauge yarn and the softness of merino makes this project a success, because the shell/fan shaped pattern can be a bit too stiff with a heavier yarn. But I guess it all depends on the kind of effects one wants to achieve.
這條圍巾的捲捲/螺仔肉流蘇實在是很可愛, 所以雖然手上已經忙不過來了, 還是忍不住先織它. 謝謝Joey大大的建議, 用5號(3.0mm)鉤針, 我特地挑了這組Baby美麗諾細線, 線真的很細很細, 線材建議密度是28針目/10cm呢! 這組線織出來的手感真的不錯, 因為花樣本身很紮實, 用細線加上美麗諾的柔軟, 圍巾才不至於太硬太厚, 圍起來很舒服喔!
I actually cheated with the fringe - the original pattern suggested breaking and re-joining yarn for each fringe so those longer fringes are attached to the main body with a single chain. But, I just HATE to weave in yarn ends. To weave in two yarn ends per fringe just seemed too much trouble. I used the slipstitch to crochet continuously and finished all fringes without breaking yarn. Even for joining to a new ball of yarn, I used Felted Join. Thus I only had to weave in a total of two yarn ends for this project. Very very happy about that! :D
流蘇部份有偷懶, 用引拔方法一口氣鉤完, 而不是按照原圖樣用接線的, 實在是懶的藏線頭啊! 而且因為用的是美麗諾羊毛, 這次連接線都是用Felted Join, 從頭到尾只藏了兩個線頭, yeah!! :D
I really love this shell/fan stitch pattern, it's also got little picots in between each shell. It's probably hard to see in the photos, but they really give the stitch pattern a more 3-D feel when you look closely.
這個貝殼(還是扇形?)花樣真的很美, 很有立體感. 我有織小豆豆哦, 不過照片上看不太出來.