Thursday, March 27, 2008

VK Cabled Shrug

VK Cabled Shrug 1

Yarn: Noro Silk Garden (45% silk, 45% kid mohair, 10% lambs wool), color #258 - 10 balls (108yd [100m] / 50g)
Pattern: Vogue Knitting Winter 2007/08
Needles: Addi Turbo US size 7 (4.5mm) / 24" (60cm) circular
Size: Length from sleeve cuff to center back neck 27", lower edge (chest) circumference 34"
Duration: 2008/02/10 - 2008/03/26

線材: 野呂英作 Silk Garden (45% 真絲, 45% 毛海, 10% 羊毛), 色號#258 - 10 球 (108yd [100m] / 50g)
圖樣: Vogue Knitting 雜誌 2007/08 冬季刊
針號: 美制7號 4.5mm/60cm 輪針
尺寸: 袖口至後領中央長 69 cm, (胸)下圍 87 cm
製作日期: 2008/02/10 - 2008/03/26

VK Cabled Shrug WIP

Hmmm... well, it's done. I was really excited and jumped at the chance to start this project despite the fact that I already have several other WIPs. But now that it is done, I am not sure how and when I will wear this. I love the design, the yarn, and the colors. I am just not sure that it is a winning combination when put together. The yarn is a gift from my sister Tracy. It is warm and soft, a very lovely yarn. The colors are amazing, vibrant and yet the transitions subtle. I truly enjoyed knitting with this yarn, the beautiful color transitions made the process so much more interesting. But you know, it's one thing to look at the yarn balls and love the colors, it's a different thing when you are to wear these colors on yourself and go about your daily business.

啊...終於完成了這件"彩虹衣"。拿到這期雜誌時一眼就選定了這件,不管手邊還有未成品,等線一到手就開打了。第一次用野呂英作的線,這還是老姐送的愛心線咧,粉貴的,要是我自掏腰包可能下不了手吧? 線好,又暖又軟,顏色亮麗,每個顏色變化漸層微妙令人驚豔。編織時會想快快織到下個顏色,欣賞變化時的美。設計上也有我近來偏愛的麻花,也不難織。可是織好了,我卻不確定這件衣服什麼時候可以穿出門,這顏色實在是有點太花了... 我好像老愛幹這種事... 沒去想到顏色美在毛線上看是一回事,穿在身上又是一回事...

Noro Silk Garden 258Noro Silk Garden 258

I don't know why I didn't think of it. I am not a "color" person when it comes to my wardrobe. Most of my store-bought stuff are shades of black, gray, cream, and blues, in single, solid colors. I would never think of wearing this "raindow-like" colors in a million years. In hindsight, I would probably wear it more if it is done in good old-fashion charcoal gray.


VK Cabled Shrug 2

Anyway. It was fun knitting this project, nevertheless. I made it smaller by working only 4.5" from the upper sleeve to the back, instead of the 6" the pattern called for; and kept the sleeves exactly per pattern. I worked a few rows extra when working the back just so the cables would connect smoothly when I grafted the left and right pieces together. Everything else was pretty much per pattern.


VK Cabled Shrug 3

I still have 1 1/3 balls of yarn left. Maybe one of these days I'll go shop for two balls of a different colorway, combine with these leftovers, and make the Noro Striped Scarf. A "rainbow-like" accessory, that, I can handle.

這線還剩下1 1/3球,在想那天有空去毛線店裡再挑兩球不同色系的線,加起來應該夠織我想了很久的Noro Striped Scarf。 衣服不敢太花,配件花一點倒是還可以接受。