Friday, August 29, 2008

Seascape Stole TKA#28 海景披肩

Seascape Stole

線材: Rowan Kidsilk Night (67% 超柔毛海, 18% 真絲, 10% 聚酯纖維,5% 尼龍), 色號#612 粉紫 - 2.5 球 (227yd [208m] / 25g)
圖樣: Knitty 2008 夏季刊
針號: 美制4號 3.5mm 輪針
尺寸: 寬 38 cm/15 英吋, 長 160 cm/63 英吋
製作日期: 2008/07/28 - 2008/08/25

Yarn: Rowan Kidsilk Night (67% super kid mohair, 18% silk, 10% polyester, 5% nylon), color #612 Fountain - 2.5 balls (227yd [208m] / 25g)
Pattern: Knitty Summer 2008
Needles: Addi Turbo Lace US size 4 (3.5mm) / 32" (80cm)
Size: 15" x 63"
Duration: 2008/07/28 - 2008/08/25

Seascape Stole

星期一晚上就收針完工了,一直到星期三下午才有空把它定型。這次定型沒下水,用鋼條(blocking wires)撐開釘住後,噴濕等它風乾。這兩天天氣超熱,本來以為可能隔天才會乾,結果星期三晚上去摸已經乾了。昨天幫它拍照,這麼長一條實在很難拍全景,折起來拍還比較好看。沒時間,就不拍真人照了,這麼美的披肩我還是不要進去破壞畫面的好 (明明就是懶...)

I finished it on Monday night, but had to wait till Wednesday afternoon for a block of free time to block it. This time I just used the blocking wires to open it up, sprayed it with water, and waited for it to dry. It has been really hot these last couple days. I had thought that it would take till the following day to dry, but it was ready by Wednesday night. Yesterday was the photo shoot. It was difficult to get a full shot of the stole, it being so long. And I actually like it folded better, the color looked more saturated this way. No modeling this time though - I did not have the time, plus I was too lazy...

Seascape Stole

這次偷懶沒先打密度織片,直接開工,想説這種披肩尺寸密度不用抓的太準也沒關係。打完圖B 6次重複後,試披一下再加上圖C的長度,就算定型時再拉一拉,好像還是不太夠咧... 以為已經快織完了説... 只好圖B再加一次重複。還好,雖然天氣熱,這條毛海打起來沒有我想像中的難以忍受,大部分是晚上邊看奧運邊打的,可是因為打圖B要很專心盯著圖表打,很多時候奧運是用"聽"的。不過現在有DVR/instant replay很方便,遇到精彩好看的馬上倒回去重看,也算是節省時間。

I was also too lazy to work a gauge swatch before I cast on, since sizing is really not that critical for a stole. After I finished 6 repeats of chart B, I tried it on. Anticipated the length of chart C plus possible growth during blocking, it still seemed a bit too short. And I thought I was so close to the finish line... So I added one more repeat of chart B. I thought working with mohair in this hot summer weather would be unbearable, but it actually turned out okay. I knitted most of this stole during night time, while the Olympic games were on. But working chart B requires focus, I needed to constantly look at the chart. And so most of the time, I "listened" to the broadcast. And it's good that we have DVR/instant replay, I could always rewind if there was something good and exciting on the program.

Seascape Stole


I prepared three balls of yarn for this stole, the 3rd ball has a little more than half left. I was thinking maybe I can use it for a short scarf, it would be gorgeous with beads. Or maybe I can pair it with a merino yarn, would it be enough for a hat perhaps?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Seascape Stole Progress 海景披肩進度報告

Seascape Stole Progress at 50%


Yeah! Finally I am at the half point mark. I just finished 3rd repeats of chart B. It's a bit wrinkly, but you can clearly see the patterns.

Seascape Stole Progress at 50%

用線是Rowan Kidsilk Night,其實大約兩年前就買了這個顏色,那時只買了一球,想拿來打 Branching Out,後來一直讓別的 projects 插隊,結果就放到現在。當初一看到海景時,就想用 Kidsilk Haze 來做,去了店裡看,偏偏我想要的顏色不是沒有就是不夠。在店裡還看到銀灰色的 Kidsilk Night,也好喜歡,可惜只剩下一球,也不夠。於是想到我庫存裡的紫色,可是已經買了兩年,還能補到同缸號的嗎?心裡想覺得不可能,但是還是找了時間去當初買線的那家店。嘻嘻,還真的有,而且就剩兩球,這是冥冥之中註定的嗎?

I am knitting with Rowan Kidsilk Night. I bought this lovely lavender color about two years ago, intended to make Branching Out scarf so I only bought 1 ball. Then other projects happened, and this has been sitting in my stash since. When I first saw Seascape, I wanted to use Kidsilk Haze. I went to the stores, and they either didn't have the colors I wanted or didn't have enough. I also saw a gorgeous silver gray Kidsilk Night (totally my color), but there's only one ball left. And then I remembered this lavender ball in my stash. Totally thought that it was impossible to get more of the same dye lot, I made a trip anyway to the store where I bought the original ball. And to my luck, they still had it, and only two balls left. Is this meant to be all along?

Seascape Stole Progress at 50%

昨天受不了了,跑去敗了 Addi Turbo Lace Needles 回來。哇!真的好用,原先用 Regular Addi Turbo 來織,遇到 S2KP, M1L, M1R 時,就要左拉右扯把針目弄大一點,還要戳好幾次才能把針頭戳進去,織的很慢,弄得我快抓狂。現在用 lace needles 只要一次就完成,快多了。

Yesterday, I gave in and bought the Addi Turbo Lace Needles. And WOW! What a difference! With the regular Addi, I had to tug at the adjacent stitches and yarn strands to insert the needle when I need to make a S2KP, M1L, or M1R. And it would take several tries before I could successfully insert the needle. Now with the lace needle, I can insert the needle at the first attempt. I still need to tug at the stitches at some tight spots, but much much less frequently, and so I am making progress a bit faster too.

左邊金黃色的是 Addi Lace, 右邊銀色的是 regular Addi。 Lace 針頭比較尖。

On the left is the yellow Addi Lace, on the right is the regular Addi. The Lace is bit pointier.

Addi Lace Needle vs Regular Turbo

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Anthropologie-inspired Chunky Knit Shrug 粗編小外套

Anthropologie-inspired Chunky Knit Shrug

線材: Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton (100% 有機棉), 色號#83 卡其 - 1.6 綑 及 色號#85 卡其摻白 - 1.6 綑 (150yd [137m] / 100g)
圖樣: 自己矇的 :D
針號: 美制11號 8.0mm 輪針,美制10.5號 6.5mm 輪針
尺寸: 胸圍 88 cm (34.5 英吋), 身長 38 cm (15 英吋)
製作日期: 2008/07/26 - 2008/08/01

Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton (100% organic cotton), color #83 Sage - 1.6 skeins and color #85 Willow - 1.6 skeins (150yd [137m] / 100g)
Pattern: I figured it out... see below
Needles: Addi Turbo US size 11 (8.0mm)/29"(74cm) circular and US size 10 1/2 (6.5mm) circulars
Size: Chest circumference 34.5", length 15"
Duration: 2008/07/26 - 2008/08/01

織這件的過程真的是很好玩呢,不久前在網路上亂逛時看到 Anthropologie 這件粗編小外套 (以下照片這一件,這幾天回去他們網站看已經沒了)

Well, this was really a fun project. Several weeks ago I was browsing Anthropologie's website and came across this Chunky Knit Shrug (they just took it off the site a few days ago, but here's what it looks like.)

Anthropologie Chunky Knit Shrug

看一看覺得,一件小小壓克力毛線衣要美金68元? :O 太貴了吧? 應該可以用更好的線材來自己做一件。 這件看起來作法跟由上往下拉克蘭外套的織法類似,只是要用粗線。試了密度後就開打了,邊打邊試穿來決定如何進行下去。完成後覺得還不錯咧!我自己覺得很滿意,跟我原先想的一樣。以前不喜歡粗線,現在覺得織來真的是又簡單又快,頗有成就感的。不過這件織到快完了才發現它跟網路上另一件同是 Anthropologie 的小外套織法很像(他們好像每一季都會推出類似樣式...) 不同處在於我在腋下脅間有加針,穿起來感覺比較像cardigan而不是shrug.

And I thought - $68 for an acrylic sweater? I can do better than that. After all, the construction looked like the Top-Down Raglan Cardi, in super chunky yarns. So I cast on, and just sort of figuring it out as I knit along. And I think it turned out pretty well, exactly what I had in mind. It was super easy and super fast. I think I am in love with chunky knits now... :) I realized toward the end of finishing it, that it is very similar to the Anthropologie-inspired Capelet (Anthropologie seems to come out with these similar designs every season...) The difference is that I added stitches to the underarm so it would wear more like a cardi, rather than a shrug.

Anthropologie-inspired Chunky Knit Shrug

本來想找個和原設計一樣的白玫瑰釦子,可惜這附近的店裡都沒有。就自己用Rowan 4-Ply Cotton 鉤了一朵花縫上去,裡面再縫上勾扣。可是好像不夠牢,扣起來前面還是開開的。我想穿幾次看看,再決定要不要改。

I tried looking for a white rose button, just like the Anthropologie sweater, with no luck. So I crocheted one using Rowan 4-Ply Cotton and sewed it on. For the closure, I used hook and eye. But I guess these are not strong enough, the fronts are still kind of open even with the hook in its place. I think I'll give it a few wears and decide if I need to come up with different ways of doing it.

Anthropologie-inspired Chunky Knit Shrug - inside

這組線真的是超柔軟的,跟我以前買過的棉線完全不一樣。這線是在 Knitting Arts 關門前幾個星期買的 (嗚... 這是我最愛的一家毛線店呢...) 線還剩下不少 - 一綑是100 g, 卡其色還剩49 g, 卡其掺白那綑還剩48 g。 不知道能拿來做什麼? 要快點決定,因為這顏色好像快要不賣了。

This Blue Sky Alpacas organic cotton is wonderfully soft, unlike any of the other cotton yarns I have. I picked it up just a few weeks before Knitting Arts closed their doors (sob... one of my favorite LYS...) There are still quite a bit left - at 100 g per skein, the sage has 49 g left and the willow has 48 g left. What can I make with these? Must decide soon, I think these two colors are being discontinued.

Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton Cakes


The entire sweater is knit with two strands of yarn (one in sage color, one in willow color) held together.

Gauge: 10 sts & 14 rows = 4" in stockinette stitch using US size 11 (8.0 mm) needles


  1. CO 41 sts.
  2. (RS): K3, work (p, k) 1x1 rib to last 4 sts; p, k3.
  3. (WS): P3, work (k, p) 1x1 rib to last 4 sts; k, p3.
  4. Repeat last 2 rows 4 more times or when it measures about 3" from CO. On the last row, place markers as follows: P3, (k, p) twice, pm, k, pm, (p, k) twice, p, pm, k, pm, (p, k) 6 times, p, pm, k, pm, (p, k) twice, p, pm, k, pm, (p, k) twice, p3.
  5. Next row (RS): There are 4 pairs of markers on the needles. For each pair, knit to the first marker, yo, slip marker, knit the stitch between markers, slip the 2nd marker, yo; knit the remaining stitches.
  6. Next row (WS): K3, purl to last 3 sts; k3. Slip all markers.
  7. Repeat last 2 rows 10 more times. Total: 129 sts.
  8. Knit up to the 2nd marker, remove marker, place next 27 sts till next marker on scrap yarn or stitch holder, remove marker, CO 6 sts on the needles, continue to knit through the back (the next 37 sts), remove marker, place the next 27 sts till next marker on holder, remove marker, CO 6 sts on the needles, continue to knit the next 19 sts to the end of the row. (Remove all markers as working across the row)
  9. Next row (WS): K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. (Total: 87 sts)
  10. Continue to knit all on RS, (k3, purl to last 3 sts, k3) on WS, for 16 rows.
  11. (RS): K3, work (p, k) 1x1 rib to last 3 sts, k3.
  12. (WS): P3, work (k, p) 1x1 rib to last 3 sts, p3.
  13. Repeat the last 2 rows 1 more time. Work 1 more RS row.
  14. Bind off all sts.
  15. Sleeve: Move stitches from scrap yarn or stitch holder evenly onto US size 11 (8.0mm) double-pointed needles or two circular needles, pick up 5 sts from the underarm where 6 sts were cast on for the body. Place marker to mark the beginning of a round.
  16. Start knitting in the round for two rounds.
  17. Change to US size 10 1/2 (6.5mm) needles, work (k, p) 1x1 rib for 4 rounds. Bind off.
  18. Work the other sleeve the same way.
  19. Weave in ends. Block as desired.

Anthropologie-inspired Chunky Knit ShrugAnthropologie-inspired Chunky Knit Shrug

後記: 這些是我的筆記,邊織邊寫的,雖然重新謄過,可是如果那裡看起來不太對的話,請留言哦!

Note: These are my notes. I tried to write down all the details as I worked along. If something doesn't seem right, drop a comment and I'll look into it. Thanks!