Friday, April 20, 2007

Doesn't This Look Familiar?

I was browsing the new issue of Interweave Crochet the other day, and this Mermaid Scarf caught my eyes...

兩天前在翻最新的 Interweave Crochet, 看到一條很眼熟的美人魚圍巾...

It's the pink scarf in the middle of the picture. Doesn't it look like the popular Flower Petal Scarf (other than mine, seen here, here, here, here, and many others)? And also the Flower Scarf (seen here, here, here, and here...)? I am tempted to make this version too. Maybe in mohair?

就是照片中那條粉紅色的. 看起來像不像超受歡迎的花瓣圍巾 (除了 我的, 還有 這裡, 這裡, 這裡, 這裡, 啊, 列不完啦...)? 還有花朵圍巾 (看 這裡, 這裡, 這裡, 還有這裡...)? 我也想來鉤這條美人魚. 還沒仔細看鉤法, 不知道有什麼不一樣的地方. 想用毛海線來鉤耶, 效果應該會不錯吧?