I was tagged by my Cyber-Knitting Friend,
Andrea tag 到啦!
So, here are my 8 things:
1. I love both knitting and crochet. But if I have to pick one, I'd say I love knitting more.
2. I knit with circular needles only. I have a set of straight needles and some DPNs, but have stopped using them ever since I met Addi Turbos. Love Addi's. Although I just recently broke down and bought myself the
Knit Picks Options. No verdicts yet, since I haven't used them...
3. I love coffee. And just coffee, with a bit of half-and-half. I am past the espresso and frothy drinks phase. I would bypass Starbucks and go for Peet's if there's one nearby.
4. I majored in computer science in college because it's easier to get a job. If I can start over, hmmm... is there a knitting major?
5. Chocolate for me used to be just okay. I liked it, but did not love it. But ever since I gave birth to my son, my love for extra dark chocolate is here to stay.
6. I love both dogs and cats. Unfortunately I am very allergic to cats - thus no cats for me... sob... sob... sob...
7. My all-time favorite Taiwanese snack/dim-sum would be "smelly tofu" (literally translated) - it's deep-fried fermented tofu served with soy sauce, hot sauce, and kimchee. It's an acquired taste, but boy! Do I wish I can have some now!
8. Since my son's birth, I quit my job and became a stay-at-home mom. Every Tuesday my MIL comes over to babysit, and I get to leave the house and do my things. After running errands, I go to a coffee shop or a cafe, find a nice spot, sit down, and knit till it's time to go home... (hence the title of this blog)
1. 棒針, 鉤針我都喜歡. 如要選一, 我想我還是比較喜歡棒針吧.
2. 現在棒針作品我一律用輪針來織. 直棒針和雙頭針我都有, 可是自從試了Addi Turbo輪針後, 其他的針我就再也不去碰了. Addi實在是好用. 不過最近三心二意地又敗了一組
Knit Picks Options回家, 還沒用, 不知道用起來怎麼樣...
3. 咖啡是我的最愛. 黑咖啡, 加一點點奶精就好. 以前常喝的拿鐵, 卡布奇諾等等現在都不喝了. 喜歡純咖啡的簡單. 最喜歡的是Peet's coffee, 如果鄰近有Peet's的店, Starbucks我是絕對不去的.
4. 大學時唸的是資訊, 因為好找工作. 如果能重來, 嗯, 有毛線編織系嗎?
5. 以前對巧克力的感覺是還好, 喜歡但不狂熱. 自從生了小孩後, 口味改變, 酷愛超黑巧克力. :)
6. 狗狗貓貓都愛. 可惜我對貓嚴重過敏, 這輩子是別想養了, 唉!
7. 最愛的台灣小吃是臭豆腐. 在這裡要吃到道地的可不簡單唷! 現在就好想來一盤...
8. 兒子出生後, 我辭了工作當全職媽媽. 每個禮拜二我婆婆會過來看小孩, 這是我唯一完全屬於自己的時間, 可以出門購物, 做自己的事. 我喜歡找個咖啡屋, 坐下來織毛線, 一坐至少2-3個小時, 直到該回家的時間 ... (所以才叫cafe knitter嘛!)
Given that you probably came here to see some knitting/crochet pictures, I share with you my current WIP - yet another crochet bolero:
來了就看看照片再走吧, 這是現在在勾的小外套, 快做好了唷!