Yarn: Filati Lame SinFlex (60% Tactel, 40% Sinflex), color #006 - 2 balls (163yd [150m] / 20g)
Pattern: Japanese Pattern Book すてきなミセス Spring&Summer (Let’s Knit series 手編み大好き)
Needles: Addi Turbo US size 10 1/2 (6.5mm) / 24" (60cm) circular
Size: Sleeve to sleeve across the back 23"
Duration: 2007/07/20 - 2007/07/31
線材: Filati Lame SinFlex (人造纖維 60% Tactel, 40% Sinflex), 色號#006 - 2 球 (163yd [150m] / 20g)
圖樣: 美麗優雅風編織服飾設計26款 / すてきなミセス Spring&Summer (Let’s Knit series 手編み大好き)
針號: 6.5mm/60cm 輪針
尺寸: 背寬兩袖距離58cm
製作日期: 2007/07/20 - 2007/07/31

This Sunday I will be attending my cousin Vivian's wedding reception in Chicago. Since nothing in my closet seemed to work (or look appealing at the moment...:D), two weeks ago I went out and bought a new dress. And to go with this dress, I decided to knit a shimmering shrug to glam it up a bit. This pattern is really simple, with only one easy lace pattern going throughout the whole garment. The difficulty lied with trying to knit slippery fingering-weight yarn with slippery chunky needles. I had such a hard time trying to do p2tog's and ssk's with the blunt tips of the regular Addi Turbo's. I basically had to break the p2tog's into a two step process similar to how you would do a ssk (i.e. slip the stitches over to the right needles so to loosen them up a bit, then insert the left needle into the stitches to do the p2tog.) It was so slow going, I almost regretted that I picked this yarn (or this project? Not sure...)
這個週末要到芝加哥參加堂妹維媛的婚宴. 看了看衣櫥, 實在是沒衣服可穿(或“想“穿... :D), 所以兩個禮拜前便買了一件新洋裝, 黑色細肩帶的. 買回家後想想, 覺得如果有條披肩來搭配應該不錯, 可是手邊有的顏色都不太適合. 翻書時看到這件小外套, 好啦, 就是它了! 圖樣非常簡單, 從頭到尾就是一個蕾絲花樣重複. 難在要用滑溜溜的粗針來織滑溜溜的細線, 要把那胖胖的針頭戳進兩個幾乎靠在一起, 緊貼著針的針目打併針, 實在是非常困難. 簡單的二上併一針也要分成幾個步驟來做 (先把兩針目滑到右針, 把針目弄鬆一點, 然後把左針插入兩針目來完成二上併針) 這樣織起來速度像龜爬一樣. 有幾次有點後悔, 不知是選錯線還是選錯樣子?...

This yarn is also stretchy and hard to keep shape. I blocked the pieces before seaming, and it still looks like it hasn't been blocked. The bottom edge of the hem still rolls inward although I stretched it out during blocking. I thought about adding either a ruffle edge or crochet one or two rows of sc border, but decided not to do anything yet. Well, first, I may not have enough time to finish it before Sunday. Second, I may not have enough yarn and I know I will be quite busy in the next few days that I won't be able to make a stop at the yarn store. So, this is it, for now. Although I wish the border/hem is more prominent, I think it looks okay this way too.
這組線蠻能撐的, 垂墜性很高, 但是織片的樣子儘管整型後仍不持久. 照片中是已經定型過了, 看起來還是像沒定型一樣. 定型時特意拉過了, 下襬的邊還是一直往內捲. 本來在考慮加個花邊或鉤個短針的邊, 想想還是暫時這樣就好. 一來, 我這幾天要準備打包出門, 很多事情要做, 要趕在星期六上飛機前做好, 不太可能. 二來, 剩下的線可能不太夠, 而我實在沒時間再跑一趟毛線店. 就先這樣吧. 本來希望緣邊寬一點, 花樣才看的清楚, 不過現在這個樣子也不賴啦.