Yarn: Rowan 4-ply Cotton (100% cotton), #133 Cheeky - 3 balls (185yd [170m] / 50g)
Pattern: Courtesy of Margaret
Hooks: Boye D/3 - 3.25 mm
Size: chest circumference 34"
Duration: 2007/06/20 - 2007/07/07
線材: Rowan 4-ply Cotton (100% 棉), 色號#133 桃紅 - 3 球 (185yd [170m] / 50g)
圖樣: 感謝瑪格慷慨賜圖
針號: 3.25 mm
尺寸: 胸圍86cm
製作日期: 2007/06/20 - 2007/07/07

I finally managed to finish this popular bolero. Huge thanks to Margaret for sharing the pattern!! I felt bad for the long delay in finishing this project. Margaret sent me the pattern a long time ago, and I have just now finished it. Sorry! I first tried to make it in white, and ran out of yarn. I searched all LYS's in the area, and couldn't find the extra ball of yarn I needed. I could have ordered it online, but I just don't feel like paying shipping for a $6.50 ball of yarn. Thus I decided to switch color. Fuchsia is usually not my top pick when it comes to colors. But several weeks ago when I was going through my closets, I realized that I have several sleeveless dresses in white or cream with pink/fuchsia/burgundy prints, that would look great with a fuchsia bolero. In the photos is one of the dresses, and I think the dress and the bolero look perfect as an outfit!
這件超人氣的小外套終於被我完成了! 感謝瑪格慷慨分享織圖, 讓我也能擁有這件美美小外套. 在此還要特地和瑪格説聲歹勢, 圖很早就拿到了, 拖到現在才完成, 不好意思捏! 之前本來是用白色線鉤的, 主體還沒鉤完線卻沒了, 後來在附近的毛線店找了一陣子也沒找到, 而我實在不想為了一球$6.50的線, 網購付$4-$6的運費, 於是決定換個顏色. 我通常是不會挑這麼鮮艷的桃紅色, 這次是因為整理衣櫃時突然發覺, 我有好幾件無袖洋裝都是乳白色的底, 上面印了粉紅, 桃紅, 或酒紅的花, 想説有件桃紅小外套來搭配應該是很不錯地, 個人覺得效果很好耶! :D

The pattern for this bolero is probably one of the most confusing I have seen. I started studying it as soon as I got it in the mail, and just wasn't sure how to start. At that time there were not yet any discussions in Margaret's blog about the starting instructions. I thought about it long and hard, and decided to just go ahead and do it the way I think it should be done (based on what I could decipher from the diagrams.) Hehe... what's the worst that could happen? Right?! If it was a mistake, then I'd just rip it out and start over. Maybe I would learn something new in the process. Actually my first attempt (the white UFO) was somewhat a mistake - it was too small! I used a 2.75mm hook to get gauge, but it was too narrow and tight at the shoulders (the original pattern was sized for young girls). The size was too big for a little girl, I think it would fit a teenage girl better. But I don't know any teenage girls. I may just have to rip it out and save the yarn for something else.
這件大概是目前為止看過織圖看來最霧沙沙的, 收到圖後就馬上開始研究, 真的是有點不太確定如何開始, 那時瑪格家還沒有大家的留言討論. 想了很久後決定照自己的想法動工, 反正照圖看它也只能往一個方向進行, 就鉤鉤看吧! 嘻嘻... 反正大不了織錯就拆嘛... 在織錯拆的過程裡也可以學到新東西哦! (至少知道下次不要犯同樣的錯誤... :D) 其實我原先沒鉤完的那件白色的就是錯誤的示範, 那時為了配合織片密度用了2.75mm的鉤針, 結果太小啦! 那個size給小女孩穿還太大, 給十幾歲的美少女可能剛好, 可惜身邊周圍沒有這種人物. 我想我應該會把它拆了吧?!

Jannette's Rare Yarns有空可以參考看看~
They are a perfect match!
This bolero is very beautiful and the colour is great in summer time.
Hi Celia!
I love love LOVE the Cheeky Pineapple Bolero! Fun color for the summer! You crochet so beautifully and so fast! I am going to check with the Kinokuniya Bookstore in Uwajimaya Village in Seattle for patterns.
Happy Knitting!
This looks splendid!! And the color matches the dress perfectly. so nice!!
Wow! I love that!!! Any chance the pattern comes in English :)
Great work! I bet it looks great on too!
OMG Celia! You're killing me with all of these beautiful projects!! I love this, do you think 'Margaret' will share this pattern? Love the color, too.
So cute! I love the color
The bolero is gorgeous but unfortuately I don't crochet. You are fantastic to be able to knit & crochet. Great job!
First time reading your blog, very nice work, the red bolero prefect! i love it!
這個顏色很好看耶...不過,恭喜你終於完成了. 好看喔!
beautiful! i would LOVE to make this.
So pretty!! I love it!
FAlling water的圍巾織好啦!! 請賞光吧!!
還有問題,關於 FO & WIP,請問有什麼差別ㄋ??
Hi, I just visited your blog 2-3 weeks ago and kept visiting to see your works, they're really beautiful, I've started on the reading in bed shrug immediately. And can't get this pineapple bolero out of my mind. Any chance to share the pattern? thanks
Hi Selvy,
Thank you for your compliment. Can you send an e-mail to cafeknitter (at) yahoo.com so I can forward you the pattern info? Looking forward to seeing your reading in bed shrug!
I love the cheecky pineapple and purple boleros. It is absolute beautiful!!
I am looking for this patterns
for a long time all over the internet with no sucess,
the books is also not available in South Africa, needless to say that I cannot read the Japanese pattern (writing). Please can your mail the two patterns to me. I would really really appreciate it.
Thank you so much!!
Greeting from AFRICA!
Elmarie Louw
Mail: tkl@yebo.co.za
Hi Celia,
I just found your blog and really love the bollero you've made
is there any possibility to share the pattern?
Dear Celia, your bolero is very beautiful. Is it possible to share the english pattern? My email is daytime@freemail.hu
Thanks a lot:)
A very nice looking jacket. Your crochet work is very good. Would you share where you got the pattern?
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