Yarn: GGH Soft Kid (70% super kid mohair, 25% nylon, and 5% new wool), #72 Baby Blue - 2 balls (151yd [138m] / 25g)
Pattern: Interweave Knits Spring 2007 Staff Project (TKA Project #16)
Needles: Addi Turbo US size 8 (5 mm) for ribbing, Addi Turbo US size 9 (5.5mm) for lace
Size: 13 1/4" high at center back, 23" long from cuff to cuff
Start: February 21, 2007
Finish: February 23, 2007
線材: GGH Soft Kid (70% 高級毛海 25% 尼龍 5%羊毛), #72 粉藍 - 2 球 (151yd [138m] / 25g)
圖樣: Interweave Knits 2007 春季版網站 (TKA Project #16 蕾絲小外套)
針號: 5 mm (袖口上下針), 5.5 mm (蕾絲部份)
尺寸: 寬13.5英吋 長23英吋
開始: 2007/02/21
完成: 2007/02/23
This was a quick and easy knit. I spent about 8-9 hours to knit and then steam blocked it. The pattern called for 13 repeats of the lace pattern, I did 14 and had to stretch the fabric a bit to get the measurement. I guess I am a tight knitter, the blunt tips on the Addi Turbos were a bit difficult for some of the k2tog and ssk. Maybe next time I should try other needles.
這件小外套打起來簡單又快, 我大約花了8-9小時完成, 然後用熨斗蒸燙定型. Pattern上蕾絲花樣是重複13次, 我打了14次加上定型時拉開, 才達到想要的長度. 我打毛線可能手勁比較緊吧, 這次用Addi Turbo大號針的針頭太鈍, 有些 k2tog 和 ssk 竟然差點無法完成. 下次要來試試別的牌子的針.
This lace pattern is not difficult, I memorized it after a few repeats. And luckily no mistakes along the way. The only thing that turned out a bit odd was the "yo, k2tog" at the CO and BO ends, the holes at the CO ends were much smaller than the BO ends. Not sure why that is. I kept poking at them to try to make them bigger and more even...
這個蕾絲花樣並不難, 尤其反面都是上針, 打幾次重複後就背下來了, 還好也都沒出錯. 唯一覺得"怪怪"的地方是兩端的"yo, k2tog", 不知道為什麼起針那端的洞比收針那邊要小, 我定型時還刻意地把起針那端的洞戳大一點...
And I am in love with this yarn! GGH Soft Kid knits up so beautiful, airy, and warm. I am tempted to make another in dark taupe, or maybe ivory. And maybe even substituting the Traveling Leaf lace with a different lace pattern. That would be fun! For this lace shrug, I only used maybe 1/3 of the 2nd ball. I wonder what else I can make with the remaining 2/3 of a ball?
GGH Soft Kid這線織起來感覺真的很棒, 輕柔又保暖, 針目花樣清晰. 很想再織一件ㄋㄟ... 上次買線時有看到一個深褐帶紫的顏色很美, 或是乳白色比較容易搭配衣服. 也許換個蕾絲花樣來織應該也不錯. 這件小外套只用了1 1/3球的線, 第二球還剩下不少, 不知能拿來織什麼?
After seeing your pics,finally I realized I really didn't know how to wear shrug! It seemed I have to lift back collar upper and let sleeves wrap my arms more.No wonder my hubby said just somewhere wrong but could't figure it out.Now I wonder to take a new shot again.Yours is quite good and you can wear it soon.Spring coming!!
BTW, 我可以連結妳家嗎?
You are super fast on this one, very pretty. I just bought the same yarn to make the shrug, of course after my Sahara and the Wicked...
So, how did you do at the Stitches West???
To Kate:
妳好, 這線我是在附近一家毛線店(http://www.knittersstudio.com/)買的. 在美國網路上不少商家有賣這線 (如http://www.yarnmarket.com/yarn/GGH_Yarn_Rebecca-Soft_Kid_Yarn- 1089.html).
在台灣我就不知道那裡可以買到這個線了. 也許妳可以在網路上找找看.
To Shirley:
謝謝讚美喔! 當然可以連結我家啊! 有空常來逛逛啊!
To Tcknit:
This one really is easy. You can probably finish it in two days.
Stitches West? Hehehe... you'll have to wait for my posting. It's coming...
穿起來特別好看 ^^
謝謝讚美喔! ^_^
Hi Celia
Are 53 stitches enough for arms? I have started to do it, but looks like small for me. How many cm is the arm hole?
B. Zainul: I have replied at your blog.
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