Last Saturday 2/24 I went to the annual
Stitches West 2007, held in Santa Clara Convention Center. This is a knitter's paradise, with lots of classes, fashion show, and hundreds of booths selling yarns and tools. This year there was also the author of
Victorian Lace Today on site for book signing. They had an entire booth for the promotion of this book, with lots of beautiful lace scarves and shawls from the book on exhibit. You could even try them on if you want! And seeing all the booths selling yarns and knitting-related products, I felt like a little kid walking into a candy store, I was drooling all over! Photography was prohibited at the show, otherwise I would have taken some. I arrived after 11 am, and didn't leave until almost 5:30 pm (the show closed at 6.) My legs were sore, my wallet was empty, but I came home happy (and a bit guilty) with many new additions to my stash.
Stitches 是 Knitter's Magazine 這本雜誌每年在美國東部, 中西部, 和西部舉辦的盛會. 今年西部是2/22-2/25在舊金山灣區舉辦 (離我家很近啦!) 這當然是一定要去的嘍! 除了有各種編織課程, 服裝表演, 上百個賣毛線和手工編織相關產品的商家攤位, 今年還請到
Victorian Lace Today這本書的作者在現場簽名, 另外還有書中作品在現場展示, 不僅是可以看到真品, 拿在手中研究試試毛線的觸感, 不少人還拿起來披戴試穿呢! 更別提滿山滿谷的毛線和工具, 這對熱愛棒針編織和收集毛線的人來說, 就像是小孩進了糖果屋, 什麼都想要, 口水都流滿地啦! 可惜會場不准攝影, 不然真的很想拍照. 我是2/24禮拜六去的, 沒想到有些商家有些線已經幾乎賣完了! (下次記得早一天去...) 早上11點多到達會場, 一直逛到下午5點多, 中餐是買個麵包邊走邊吃的. 一天逛下來的結果就是, 腰酸腿酸, 頭昏腦脹, 錢包空空啦!
I dug these bags of yarns out from the bargain bins - they were all 50% off the original retail prices, but you have to buy the whole bag (10 balls).
下面這幾袋毛線是我從廉價箱裡挖出來的 - 都是原售價打五折, 不過一定要整袋(十球)買, 不能拆.
Camelia (100% wool) - Perhaps the braided collar v-neck sweater from Vogue Knitting Fall 2006?
Camelia (100% 羊毛) - 想拿來試試 Vogue Knitting 2006 秋季裡的一件灰色麻花V領毛衣.
Louisa Harding
Kashmir Aran (55% merino wool, 35% microfiber, 10% cashmere) - earmarked for
Louisa Harding
Kashmir Aran (55% 美麗諾羊毛, 35% microfiber, 10% 開絲米爾) - 準備拿來織
Louisa Harding
Kashmir DK (55% merino wool, 35% microfiber, 10% cashmere) - I just love these colors... no projects in mind yet...
Louisa Harding
Kashmir DK (55% 美麗諾羊毛, 35% microfiber, 10% 開絲米爾) - 好喜歡這些顏色... 只是還不知道要織什麼...
I also bought some lovely lace yarn, for scarves and shawls in Victorian Lace Today.
Tess Yarns - the blue skein is Petite Silk (100% silk), the remaining are Superwash Lace (100% merino). Each is enough for a small shawl or scarf. Two skeins should be enough for a large shawl.
這次還買了一些蕾絲細線, 打算用來織Victorian Lace Today書中的作品.
Tess Yarns - 藍色那綑是 Petite Silk (100% 絲), 其他的是 Superwash Lace (100% 美麗諾). 一綑夠織一條小型蕾絲披肩或圍巾. 兩綑可織大型披肩.
My favorites are these two skeins of
Claudia Hand Painted Yarns (100% silk). The top is color Sunrise, the bottom is Blue Terra Cotta.
最愛的是下面照片裡這兩綑線 -
Claudia Hand Painted Yarns (100% 絲). 上面那綑的顏色是 Sunrise, 下面那綑是 Blue Terra Cotta.
It looks like I am all set for lace shawls in the coming year. The problem is, which one do I begin with? They are all so beautiful!
這樣看起來好像萬事俱全, 可以開始來打蕾絲披肩了哦? 問題是, 要打那一條呢? 書中每一條都好美喔!