My first attempt on this jacket started back in December, after I finished swatching and finally received the pattern at the end of November. But I only got as far as the hem, which was too wide for some reasons. First of all, I couldn't get the suggested gauge (mine was 20 sts = 4"), so I had to re-calculate everything. And since I liked Clémence's suggestion for the hem, I used a smaller needle to knit the hem. Not sure if it is because the hem needs to be done in stockinette and my gauge swatch was done in half-woven stitches and different needles, it just seemed like it wasn't going to work. With the holidays approaching and other obligations, I put this jacket away.
這件外套從12月就開打了. 本來11月就興沖沖地申請參加這個群編, 連織片都織好了, pattern書卻11月底才寄到... 織完下襬後卻不得不停手, 因為實在是太大啦! 我試了很多次, 密度就是無法和書上一樣. 那只好自己算尺寸針數囉... 看到 Clémence 提出這個不須縫合的下襬織法, 決定來試試看. 自己也沒先想到下襬和其他部分針法和用針尺寸都不同, 密度也會不一樣, 沒再重新算過就開打的結果就是, 拆!
I finally restarted this jacket last week. I took gauge from the to-be-ripped hem and the gauge from my November swatches, made adjustments, re-calculated, and cast on again. This time it looked promising until I went almost half way through the back, and again realizing that it may be too small! I think it may be okay for a fitted sweater, but it is definitely too small for a flare jacket.
上禮拜終於又重新開打. 這次重新算過啦, 還自做聰明的把整個外套尺寸稍微縮小(覺得34-36有點大哩...) 織啊織滴, 後背快織過半了才驚覺, 好像會太小哦... 如果是織合身的毛衣, 這個大小就還可以. 外套就太小啦! 尤其這件的特色就在下襬要寬寬的斜出去才好看.
One thing that surprised me was, my gauge now is 21 sts = 4"! Go figure! Could the way I knit change during these months? Somehow I am pulling the yarn tighter now... Anyway. I decided to restart, yet again. But before I rip this out, just want to save some photos for reference...
還有一點沒想到的是, 我現在織的密度和三個月前織的不一樣! 這三個月會變這麼多嗎? 我現在好像越織線拉越緊... 唉... 又要再重新開始... 決定先留幾張照片作參考...
The right (public) side:
The wrong side:
The "no-sew" hem on the inside:
Sweet Little Nothing
8 years ago
To 西西:
那是用 bias binding tape (抱歉, 我不懂裁縫, 不知道這個東西中文叫什麼... 我在店裡看到的是像緞帶一樣的東西) 縫上去的.
至於是用針車或手縫, 那就看個人了.
我不會用針車, 自知手縫會很難看, 而且最主要沒找到合適的 bias binding tape, 我現在是打算另找毛線用挑針方式來織邊.
Phildar 現在有出英文版 (我的就是), 下次可以考慮考慮哦!
Can't wait to appreciate your new project!!
你好!我在網路上看到這件外套也很喜歡,可是似乎不好打?我也住在加州,想請問這本書的pattern 是在哪裡買的?還有線材是?
是上Phildar 的網站直接訂購的嗎?
Bias binding tape 就是滾邊條囉!可以自己買布來做,很簡單的!
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