Yarn: Rowan
Kid Classic (70% lambswool, 26% kid mohair, 4% nylon), color #835 Royal - 4 balls (153yd [140m] / 50g)
Scarf StyleNeedles: Addi Turbo US size 7 (4.5mm) / 24" (60cm) & KnitPicks Options US size 7 (4.5mm) / 24" (60cm) circulars
Size: Sleeve to sleeve 61"
Duration: 2007/10/15 - 2007/12/05
線材: Rowan
Kid Classic (70% 羊毛, 26% 毛海, 4%尼龍), 色號#835 深紫 - 4 球 (153yd [140m] / 50g)
Scarf Style針號: 兩組4.5mm/60cm輪針
尺寸: 兩袖緣之間長 155 cm
製作日期: 2007/10/15 - 2007/12/05
I had wanted to make this shrug for at least more than a year now. I bought the yarn from way back and just somehow forgot about it. Until recently when I was going through my stash, I rediscovered this project. I felt a bit guilty about it. I have been buying a lot of new pattern books and new yarn, while I have tons of projects waiting to be casted on in my stash. I made a promise that when and if I start a project with new yarn, I must also finish one of the older projects from my stash. I used to keep track of my projects in an Excel spreadsheet, but it got so big and cumbersome that I just gave up. I thought, I'll just knit whatever comes to mind. But this, could also be dangerous, I may never finish knitting my stash.
想織這個作品想很久了, 線買好放了至少有一年多, 後來不經意地把它給忘了. 前一陣子整理毛線時看到, 小小的罪惡感了一下, 決定從現在開始, 每做一個新project, 也要同時消耗一個舊project. 我庫存裡的舊projects可多了, 本來還打進Excel裡做記錄, 後來實在是多到我自己都懶得整理懶得看. 就隨性一點吧, 想織什麼就織什麼.
The design of this shrug/scarf is very unique, but knitting it could be quite boring. The never-ending repeats of k3 and p3. I was just about running out of patience when I finished both sleeves. Good thing I got other projects on the needles to keep me going. Whenever I felt like I've had enough with this thing, I just switched to another project and then came back to this shrug later. But when I finished the Upside-Down Sweater and was waiting for it to dry on the blocking board (which took 4 days!) I had nothing else to play with except this, I had to try to stay focused to finish it.
這件shrug兼圍巾的設計是蠻特別的, 但織到後來實在是有點無趣, 三上三下不斷重複, 兩隻袖子織完我的耐心已經快磨光了, 還好有別的projects同時進行中, 每當我覺得快織不下去時, 就換個project來玩. 可是像前一件上下顛倒穿織完時, 光定型等它乾就等了4天, 這4天中只好乖乖地與這件shrug奮戰.
This shrug is very simple to knit. Even though it was simple, I did manage to visit the frog pond once. I followed the pattern and knitted both sleeves till 23", started decreasing for the shoulders, and then joined to knit the turtleneck. When I just finished the sleeves, they were too long for my arms. Not wanting to rip them out, I decided folding the sleeve cuffs after all is done would simply fix the length problem. Soon after I started knitting the turtleneck, I realized I would run out of yarn. One of the worst things when a project sits too long in a stash - if there's not enough yarn, most of the time it's next to impossible to find extra in the same dye lot. I really did not need too much more, maybe just 1/4 of a ball would suffice. Given Kid Classic is quite pricey, I did not want to shell out money to buy another ball. I decided to rip it back to where the sleeves were about 21" long, then restarted with the shoulders and the turtleneck. I was afraid that the yarn wouldn't stand up to the unraveling since it contains mohair, but other than some BO stitches where it got stuck, ripping it out was fast and easy. And the yarn still feels the same. I really enjoyed knitting with it.
這件織法很簡單, 可是我還是有小拆了一下. 原本是按照圖樣兩隻袖子各織了23英寸後, 減針織肩膀部位, 然後接合織高領. 袖子剛織好時有點訥悶, 我的手臂沒這麼長呀! 那時懶得拆, 打算袖子反摺就好了, 應該也不錯看. 領子開始織沒多久後, 我就後悔了, 很明顯地線不夠用啦! 這也是projects囤積太久的一個壞處, 一旦線不夠, 要再買到同缸號的線可是難上加難. 這次缺的線也不是那麼多, 再買一球也是有點浪費(更何況Kid Classic粉貴...) 想了想, 決定拆! 把兩隻袖子拆回到各21英寸處後, 再重織肩膀和領子. 原本以為這線帶毛海會很難拆, 結果還好, 除了有些收針的地方拆起來卡卡的, 其他的都拆的很快, 而且線的質感並沒有太大的影響, 這組線真的是不錯唷!
This is probably the only FO that I can wear right now, but I will spare you the sight of me actually wearing it. With a big belly, somehow nothing seems to look the way they should.
現在肚子越來越大, 這件作品好像是唯一還能穿的. 不過為了大家的眼睛著想, 還是不要穿上來嚇人... :D