After upgrading to the newer version of Blogger, I haven't had time to explore the new functions until today. The new Blogger is much more flexible, easier to use (for the most part), and easier to customize. I have been wanting to switch to this all-white layout. And today, I finally sat down and switched over (since I added a lot of stuff to my old template, I had to manually copy and paste each one over - it was not a small task...) Well, I do like the new layout, but I have to admit, even I am still trying to get used to it, so bear with me...
換成新版的Blogger後, 一直到今天才有時間來好好研究. 新版多了一些功能, 大致上比較好用, 版面設計也方便容易許多. 其實想換版面想很久了, 之前那個綠豆豆的底自己看久了都覺得無聊. 今天公婆過來看小孩, 我便趁機帶了laptop出門, 好好坐下來把這個部落格整理一下. 其實花了我不少時間, 之前我自己加的一些東西(網址連接等), 都要一個一個搬過來. 好累... 自覺這個新版面看起來還蠻清爽的, 只是還不太習慣. 在未來幾天內可能還會陸陸續續地改些地方.
These last couple of weeks have been very busy. My parents, sister, BIL, and their adorable son Nathan came to visit. There haven't been these many people in our house for a long time. We didn't do any of the touristy-sightseeing type of things, since they have been to SF before. For the most part, we just ate, shopped, and then ate some more. But boy! I was dog tired by the end of each day. My son and I both having a cold didn't help either. Connor was crankier and fussier than usual, constantly wanted to be held, and only by me. I had hoped to sit down with my sister and knit, but just didn't have the time. I feel a bit disappointed that a perfect opportunity just came and went. When will be the next time that we can get together and just knit?
這兩個禮拜真是忙到不行. 爸媽, 姊姊, 姊夫, 和他們可愛的三歲兒子來訪. 我們家已經很久沒有這麼熱鬧過了. 因為他們以前就來過好幾次, 所以也不必去那些一般觀光客愛去的地方. 基本上我們就是吃吃喝喝, 逛逛街, 逛累了再繼續吃喝. 雖是這樣, 我每天還是累的跟狗一樣地上床 (其實這個比喻不對, 我們家狗狗每天睡飽飽, 吃到撐, 一點都不累...) 我們家寶貝兒子跟我同時感冒, 這幾天黏我黏到不行, 有時連給他爸爸抱都不肯, 害我連上廁所的時間都很少. 本來希望這次可趁機與我姊好好聊編織, 可惜就是沒有時間. 不知下次什麼時候才有這樣的機會?
Didn't get to knit much either. I must be possessed by the knitting goddess. I must knit every day, even if it is just one row. If I didn't even get to knit that tiny bit, I would get cranky and irritable (my poor hubby...) Okay, I guess it's time for me to go knit now, or I just may run of time today...
這幾天毛線織的也不多. 覺得自己中毒頗深, 每天一定要織一點, 就算只織一段也可以. 如果沒得織, 就會脾氣不好, 覺得自己的時間被剝奪 (我可憐的老公... ) 好啦, 寫到這裡, 我要去織毛線去啦! 要不然, 今天又沒時間織啦!
Sweet Little Nothing
8 years ago