Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Maui Trip 2006/12/15 - 2006/12/22

This was our second time to Maui, first with our son Connor. Last time we visited most of the popular places such as Haleakala National Park, Hana Highway, and Kaanapali Beach, we decided to take it easy this time around. Without a fixed schedule, we based our decisions for the day's activities on when we woke up and what we feel like doing. There were two days when we didn't go anywhere, just relaxing by the pool and the beach. The weather was perfect. We were lucky that the clouds didn't show up until our last day in Maui.

這是我們第二次去茂宜島玩, 對Connor來說是第一次. 有些景點如Haleakala國家公園, Hana公路, 和Kaanapali海灘等算是舊地重遊. 這次時間比較充裕, 也因此感覺上比較輕鬆, 不會因為一定行程或時間限制而趕來趕去的. 有兩天真的那裡都沒去, 爛在飯店裡游泳池畔和海灘上, 完全放鬆. 那幾天天氣都很好, 一直到我們要離開當天, 厚雲層才出現. 運氣還不錯!

One of the beautiful beaches in Maui.

And of course I brought my knitting bag with me, but didn't have a whole lot of time to knit. Couldn't knit on the plane, cause Connor was sitting with us. I only got to knit during Connor's two naps in the hotel, and some by the pool. I took the Illusions Cable Scarf with me around the entire Maui, only finished 1/4 of it. I was hoping to take a picture of me knitting in the lounge chair by the pool side, but my photographer/husband was busy chasing Connor...

編織袋當然也帶去嘍, 可惜能織的時間不多. 飛機上不能織, 因為要照顧小孩. 只有兩次趁Connor午睡在飯店裡休息時織了不少, 游泳池畔也織了一些. 夢幻麻花圍巾跟著我跑了整個茂宜, 只完成了1/4. 一直想要有一張坐在游泳池邊海灘椅上織毛線的照片, 可惜這次老公忙著和Connor追逐, 沒空理我. 只好等下次吧!

The view from the hotel balcony.

The beautiful adult pool at the hotel.

The craters at the Haleakala National Park.
Haleakala 國家公園山頂的火山口羣.

Last time we stopped at several falls along the famous Hana Highway, and ended up having to give up the Seven Sacred Pools because it was getting late. Thus this time we decided to skip all the stops and head for Seven Sacred Pools directly. After a long 2.5-3 hour drive, we arrived at the famous Pools. It is part of the Haleakala National Park (if you plan to visit the summit and the Pools, save the receipt for the admission as it is good for both places for 3 days.) It is truly a magical place, with waterfalls flowing into several tiers of pools on one side and Pacific Ocean pounding against the shore on the other. We were planning to continue on and drive through the southern part of Maui to go back to central Maui where we stayed. Luckily we were informed by the Park Visitor Center staff that the highway has been closed indefinitely 2 miles down the road due to rock slide. So we had to drive back the way we came. It was a challenging drive, as the road was winding and very narrow. The scenery was definitely worth the effort though.

上次走Hana公路時, 沿途因為停了許多地方看瀑布, 弄得很晚, 只好放棄Seven Sacred Pools. 於是這次便決定一路殺到目的地, 中間都不停了. 開了約2.5-3小時的車後, 終於到達這個有名的景點. 它是Haleakala國家公園的一部分(所以如有打算上山和去Seven Sacred Pools, 門票的收據要留著, 三天內有效, 不用再付一次) 這個地方真的很美, 一邊是瀑布和水池, 一邊是太平洋. 本來打算繼續開車從南端開回茂宜中部, 還好遊客中心有說, 那條公路因落石已經關閉, 只能往回走. Hana公路開來實在是累, 彎曲狹窄, 技術再好也開不快. 可是景色真的是棒極了. 下次也許可以考慮在Hana小鎮過夜, 會比較輕鬆一點, 不用趕在天黑前開出Hana公路.

Seven Sacred Pools at the end of Hana Highway.
Hana 公路盡頭的 Seven Sacred Pools.

The amazing Maui sunset.

Connor having a great time at the kiddie pool.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy 2007!